Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Year Musings (Handkerchief Alert)

Granted 2013 is already 15 days old which is 4.1% of the year already – poof – gone, and I’m not one to ponder much on things past – a habit I gladly accepted from American culture – unless they were very good – the things passed that is.  
2012 was a very good year – which reminds me of the Sinatra song of the same name. I came to the full realization how fast our lives have become when I was driving to my parents’ house from our holiday vacation and had to listen to the full rendition of the Sinatra recording “It’s been a very good year” on the radio – had I not been doing 140 km/h on the Autobahn I would have jumped out of the car. I had to force myself to listen to the entire thing and while I listened I had time to dream up a seven-part science fiction youth novel – no, wait – that’s been done already. I could have changed channel, right, but I didn’t. I did need some time to think slower thoughts.